P.H.R.S. Moraes is M.Sc. in Astrophysics. His expertise area of research is alternative models of gravitation and cosmology. He also teaches Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus at the Engineering College of Guaratinguetá since 2012.
... to Moraes' Cosmology and Gravitation website. My intent here is to provide information on these two topics for both scientific and non-scientific comunities. The main content to be presented here consists of models which describe the Universe and its evolution. Soon I will insert a new section to the website that will work as a blog, in which people will be able to discuss new gravitational and cosmological models as they appear in the literature. The website also has a page dedicated to post classroom materials and other relevant informations, as dates of tests, for my engineering students. Please click on Scientific Contributions in order to start navigating.
In this personal website I intent to share all my scientifical works involving cosmology and gravitation in a highly theoretical framework, and also highlight some news on such subjects. Suggestions, criticisms and scientifical informations are welcome.